Saturday, October 16, 2010

I m 25 and only just discover that i hold single kidney by birth?

well doctors told me that one contained by 700 born with a single kidney ,bt i m really worried ,does have single kidney have any consequencesI m 25 and only just discover that i hold single kidney by birth?
A human being can live just fine near only one kidney. Id suggest nothing of donating one of mine today if someone I know needed it. Don't worry in the region of it just consider yourself extremely rare.
that sucks
Other than you wouldn't ever be able to donate a kidney, you should be fine...various people out within who do donate a kidney and do just fine near one. If you haven't had any solid issues concerning it in the second 25 years, I wouldn't be too worried about it in a minute...
My Cousin by marriage have only one kidney from Birth. She is married have two strapping teenage children. She walk a lot and drinks the typical 8 glasses of dampen a day. She like a drink, but never over does the alcohol and is almost 50!
many ancestors live with one kidney i enjoy one because of kidney failure but i get a transplant you should live just fine

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