Monday, October 25, 2010

I come up with i own poison ivy. can it spread if i touch it next touch other things?

I come up with i own poison ivy. can it spread if i touch it next touch other things?
Yes you can. Poison Ivy and Poison Oak is spread through an thin vein of oil the plant producers, which, when contacted near the skin, can absorb through the skin, cause the break outs.
By touching others, you are likely to spread the grease to their skin as well. This as you would expect, is only at the innovative time of contact. If you had wash with oatmeal or soap, the oil on your skin are likely to enjoy washed away as resourcefully, meaning others wont be effect.
may be.
Yes. If you touch somebody, they will get it. If you touch something, and they touch it, they will probably procure it too. Put on some calimine lotion, take an oatmeal milk tub, and lay down.
Yes. Poison Ivy causes a unwary due to its oils. The grease bonds with our skin cell and the rash developes when our skin tries to repel the dilapidated cell an oil.
If you score it, it gets lower than your nails. If you after scratch another place, you can spread it in attendance too. I've had poison ivy a dozen times. One time, I get it on my arms. Then touched it and my face and get it on my face, later across my chest and one thigh. The worst place was..powerfully, I had to nick a leak and....
Anyway, from getting it so regularly, I've found a good style to get rid of it quick. Go to the drug store or on-line and buy some Tecnu. This ointment breaks the bond of the grease with your skin cell and helps to rinse it off your skin. It also comfort prevent the rash if you've be exposed. Believe me, this stuff is the best!! It's saved my flipside many times, as I be working in logging and untaught resorce restoration and was exposed normally.
Yes, it oozes and will spread. You want to dry it out like near Calamine (sp?) lotion.

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