Monday, October 25, 2010

I want to experiment near my boyfriend. Can you let somebody know me some safe and sound things to do?

I want to get physical beside my boyfriend. What are some things that would be harmless and nice to try?
Things that are completely not detrimental or 99% safe.I want to experiment near my boyfriend. Can you let somebody know me some safe and sound things to do?
The ONLY polite answer is to get TESTED first ...BOTH OF YOU! If neither of you own ANY STD's then dance for whatever you want to.however HIV can live surrounded by the system LONG before you know you own it! Condoms DO NOT PREVENT you from getting STD's! They lessen the chances. Kissing as one said is can contract Herpes from kissing if your partner have it already and DOESN'T know it. There's really ONLY ONE way of knowing..BOTH acquire TESTED first and go from nearby! Don't be naive and assume someone is honest...or doesn't hold anything until you have hear the DR. say so! KNOWLEDGE is your KEY to any and adjectives STD's and how they can be transmitted!
You don't say your age or if this is the first relationship you own had..
Kissing is usually past the worst, but if you try anything sexual, use a condom.. always!whether you are gay or straight!
use a rubber every time. No anal, or kissing, or oral because u will seize an std. Or unless u both get tested and dont enjoy any thing consequently u dont have to wear a rubber okay

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