Saturday, October 16, 2010

I m a merciful of Congenital dyserythro poitic aneamia, I have my spleen removed 2 years put a bet on.?

Last yr I woz diagnosd vth small but multiple caculi in ma cheek bladder. I had no misery even @ the diagnose. I woz wundring that is it still obligatory to get it operate ven I dont evn experience ny sorta pain. I'm wurried becoz I'm not interested within gettin stitchd once again n I'm still confused wedr it'll disturb my system ven I dont even have ma spleen next to ma.I m a merciful of Congenital dyserythro poitic aneamia, I have my spleen removed 2 years put a bet on.?
Have you been stern to the place that operated on you two years ago? To see what they cogitate? They know a lot nearly you and would be able to see what your condition is presently. They have adjectives of your records from your previous surgery.
Please find in touch next to them for further help. God Bless You.
Just because you enjoy gallstones, you don't have to get hold of them removed, unless they are causing you is a correlation to what the disease is...

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