Saturday, October 16, 2010

I made a BIG uh-oh!?

How do you get rid of stretch results?I made a BIG uh-oh!?
There are no magic creams that generate them disappear - sorry! The skin has be stretched, they do fade in time and appear silvery. They are not wonderful I know, but you may enjoy to learn to live near them. Don't think nearby is surgery either that can lessen them. Speak to your Doctor if you are really doleful with them, he may know how to suggest something. They are literally scarred adjectives tissue, expensive creams MAY lessen them but they will never go.
Naturally you can try vitamin E Oil and cocoa butter. Aloe may also be benefitial to you.
They are kinda here for life. If you did not want them you could enjoy used baby grease on your body parts before you get bigger.
lol wasn't expecting this question...but it newly so happens I hold stretch marks... I own tried somany things and nothing have worked. they have faded slightly over the years.. the best entity that did work was I put on a mass of weight and I could just about see my scares anymore .. but you dont want to put on weightiness do you?/

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