Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I call for answers on an autoimmune disease call mixed connective tissue disorder?

I have be diagnosed with this auto immune disease and I own no clue what to do. Is there anyone out nearby that is going through what I am. Please offer me advice on how to traffic with it.I call for answers on an autoimmune disease call mixed connective tissue disorder?
I hope this site is of some use to you.
I do not own that separate diagnosis, but do have it as a element of an autoimmune disease. I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome and I do know others near this dual diagnosis.
Best wishes to you.
dont know much about it,,,be told i had a connective tissue disorder when i be a senior in glorious school...i needed to hold a shoulder rebuilt due to chronic dislocation..i can dislocate my shoulders on constraint. i have other issues (back, arthritis, fibromyalgia) that they read aloud could also be associated with it
It may be possible that it is in reality a rare condition call Relapsing Polychondritis, broken down actually medium an inflammation of many cartilidges, but it also affects heaps other systems in the body. I suffered next to this for more than 5 years before individual properly diagnosed. It is an autoimmune condition that can involve many sub conditions. There is more information on the net about it. I hope this help.

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