Saturday, October 16, 2010

I approaching to hear big bass outta my bass driver directly to my ears. Around 30-40 RMS. Am I OK?

I approaching to hear big bass outta my bass driver directly to my ears. Around 30-40 RMS. Am I OK?
there's nothing wrong near a lil gangsta bass. However prolonged exposure and the resulting vibration can seriously wrong your hearing.
Thats not upright
You won't be ok for long.
Your Likely To Say Pardon A Lot When You Get Older Turn It Down A little.
Anytime that you hear ringing after listening to music, next you have impose damage to the ear drums. Too much smash up and you could rip your eardrum. Be careful unless you ant to be deaf at 30
You are probably OK and in good health on your way to losing your audible range, which most people consider not so OK.

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