Friday, December 2, 2011

I be diagnosed as a stroke forgiving.?

I have this numbness awareness around my lips nouns and also on the left side of my body (left mitt included). I am being monitored for lofty blood pressure and the brain area for blood clots. My medication regime consists of Captopril, Simvastatin and Aspirin. Can anybody shed some buoyant on my numb feeling? Thanks.I be diagnosed as a stroke forgiving.?
I have similar effects around 7 years ago and I'm on similar medications in a minute. I have individual very small symptoms that individual I notice. I've have no recurrence since I get my blood pressure under control.
The numbness is cause because a tiny part of your brain have died as it lost it's blood supply for too long, but the brain can re-route signals and it will find another way if you provoke it.
Here's what Wikipedia have to influence
Hope it all go well for you.
Well next to any stroke there's damage to anything part of the brain the clot be in. In your skin it sounds like the clot be on the right half of your brain, which controls the departed side of your body. You may get notion back completely, minimally, or not at adjectives. It really just depends on your body and how much prejudice was done to the brain. Good luck!
The gall supplying sensation to the lips is far from the gone body. I always expect of hyperventilation with that symptom.

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